As you're preparing for the holidays and buying gifts for everyone, I wanted to share one of my favorite gifts I received last year. My dear friends, Mouse & Dave, bought us the gift of planted trees. They may have been fruit or avocado trees, or trees that provided shade for coffee plantations, or maybe they were planted to stop erosion...
There are many wonderful organizations that offer gifts that give back, I wanted to share some sites you can purchase these gifts. Oxfam offers items like school uniforms & desks, planted trees, and shares in a fair trade coffee cooperative. At the Heifer Project you can buy a heifer, or a goat, a flock of chicks, or honeybees to help a family support themselves. (There's a fabulous book you should share with your children, Beatrice's Goat by Page McBrier and Lori Lohstoeter, about a poor Ugandan girl who's able to go to school because of receiving a goat from the Heifer project. Prior to having the goat, they couldn't afford the school uniform, and she wasn't able to attend school without one! It's a beautiful story that shows you what a big difference these gifts make.) There's also Seva Foundation which provides gifts of service, the gift of sight, or medical care...
These are wonderful gifts for the person you don't know what to get, or the person who has everything, because they share with those who have nothing, what better gift could there be?
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