I am both a proud member of, and the vice-president of Professional Photographers of Cape Cod http://www.ppocc.org/ which consists of some fabulous photographers, and some of my fabulous friends... At our meeting tonight I was "member of the month", mostly because I said yes! Here is a sampling of my questionnare answers... The most difficult part of my job is days like today when I got hailed on at my beach session (brrr)! My fave non-photographic activity is seeking stones, standing stones & stone circles in the UK (a topic for another blog I promise!), as well as just general rock-hounding. Ray & Adriana bought me a rock tumbler for my b-day, I'm in day 2 of a 30 day process, the photo is the rocks as they were when we found them on the beach, they're tumbling as we speak, my patience is being tested!!! One of the questions, was "when did you know you were a grown-up?" to which I replied "when my dad died", but I have another happier answer too, one time when I carried my sleeping daughter in from the car, she must have been 3 or 4, as I was opening the door with her on my shoulder I was amazed at a powerful feeling of protectiveness, and just be a mom-ness, and I felt sooooo grown-up! My fave food is linguini with a cherry tomato & clam sauce, my husband came up with the recipe and it is fabulous! and I am still a dead-head after all these years.... (my cell phone plays "I know you rider..." and I happily sing along every time it rings...)
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