This weekend don't miss 'The Best Christmas Pageant Ever' based on the book by Barbara Robinson at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod, Old Main Street, So. Yarmouth. The Herdman's, the worst kids in the history of the world, take over the annual Christmas pageant at the church, bullying their way into all the best roles... You'll laugh out loud, and cheer for the cast comprised mainly of children, who bring the play to life...
Mom: okay children you're supposed to have on your costumes today, are these your costumes? Is this what you're going to wear?
Baby Angel 1: my wings got all bent.
Baby Angel 2: I can't find my halo.
Baby Angel 1: Janet's got my robe.
Baby Angel 2: My mom doesn't have any white sheets for me to wear, can I wear one with balloons on it?
Friday 12/7 and Saturday 12/8 at 7:30pm, Sunday 12/9 at 2:30pm
Tickets $12 adults/$10 children & seniors
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