On Friday, the National Marine Life Center had a whale watch out of Plymouth, so my lovely sister and niece, Adriana & I decided to go. What a great time. It was chilly, but sunny, and relatively calm for one of the first whale watches of the season. We saw 4 whales, the first was a fin whale - very cool, then two humpback whales together that kept going on deep dives, and therefore showing us their gorgeous tails... and then as we were ready to head back to shore, we came across this gorgeous humpback who was putting on quite the show - breaching, head breaching, tail breaching, flipper slapping, waving (okay, maybe that's not exactly what the scientists call it) having a grand old time in the waters off the Cape... was even so kind as to make sure we got the Pilgrim Monument as the backdrop of our shots! ...what a day...
Beautiful photos! Thanks, Sarah. I'm so glad you, your sister, and niece joined us.
~ Kathy Zagzebski
We are too! Thank you!!
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