Happy Father's day to all of you dads - I wish for you a lovely day...
This week I got a small package in the mail from my half sister, Jo, in England. Her mom has sold the house she & my dad lived in, she's bought something smaller now she's alone. (My dad died in '92). In going through the things in the loft (an attic here in the States) they found some photos and cards and things he'd kept and mailed a few on to me.
This photo is so precious to me, don't remember ever seeing it before, and although I'm chatting away and am not at my best, it is one of my favorite photos ever! I realized that I can only think of 3 photos that are just my dad and I together with noone else, I hope there are more than that, but in the images in my brain I can't come up with any others. He was never one for having his photo taken, and being young, I guess it wasn't something I would have thought of. Of course, living on different sides of the pond didn't make it easy either... But it's more than that...
We're at (what I think is) Chysauster in Cornwall, it's summer - you can tell by the clothing!!! (a Cornish summer joke, 'come on kids, grab your sweaters, we're going to the beach!'), and he has his camera over his shoulder (he was my first teacher in my craft). Hmm, wonder where I get this love of stones, or this love of photography... So thanks, Dad, for sharing some of your passions with me and instilling a love for both in my young soul. I miss you. x
To my darling husband, I love you, Adriana & I wish you a very happy day...
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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