Thursday, July 14, 2011

a Cape Cod family portrait

As a photographer on Cape Cod, some nights just couldn't be any better. I had this great family to photograph in Hyannisport, the light was gorgeous, just perfect, the no-see-ums were in hiding, the family was fun, it was just a delightful night. One of those ones where I truly love what I do.
...and then, just in case we weren't having enough fun, this baby duck, a Mallard we think, decided collectively, we were it's mother. It wouldn't leave us alone, was part of many of the group poses, hanging out between our feet, under my tripod, hysterical. So we kept moving it, way, way away from where we were, but it would come running back at top speed (& top speed was pretty darn quick!) to be with us. We'd move it, it would be back before we could scarcely blink. We'd move it, look down, and there he'd be! We included the sweet thing in some photos. What a funny little bird. I've never been imprinted on before!!!!

Although we tried to move him far enough to leave him there, we realized he would be in danger of our cars, and others cars if he followed us. So I got to take the duck home, he spent the night and we found a new home for him in the morning!!!! Boy did my daughter love our little house (okay actually garage) guest!!!

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