I love gallery wraps, especially the smaller sizes like the 8x10's... they're just such fun... I had great fun with this one, between the metallic finish & writing 'snips & snails & puppy dog tails' down one side...
When Adriana was little I found a double-volume, hard cover, coffee table size, boxed set of nursery rhymes for $3.95. I, of course, grabbed it, it was lovely to have, and brought us many hours of enjoyment... my favorite part is why it was $3.95 to begin with (of course we had to find out for ourselves), someone had (I'm sure as a joke or dare or who knows what) changed the rhyme about what little girls and little boys are made of... so our version says Little Girls are made of snips & snails & puppy dogs tails, and Little Boys are made of sugar & spice & everything nice!!!
Ray's always tried to assure me that it is, indeed, the correct poem!!!!