Today is Earth Day. We need to love our planet - there are so many simple ways, but it needs all of us... Here are easy things you could do today: bring your own bags shopping, change a standard lightbulb for a flourescent one, turn off the water when you're brushing your teeth - doing the dishes - whenever, collect rainwater to water your plants, pick up litter around your neighborhood, turn off your computer when you're not using it, make your own cards - preferably on recycled paper, wrap your presents in material, or reuse the gift bags your presents come in, worry more about a green earth than a green lawn, use both sides of a piece of paper, recycle all of your plastics/glass/aluminum/paper/magazines/catalogs, pick up after your dog, unplug your chargers when they're not in use, use rechargeable batteries in everything, eat locally grown food, eat organically grown, local food, shop local too, reuse packaging material, write letters to your leaders on behalf of the environment, teach someone else to love the earth, do all of your errands at one time to save gas, or better yet - walk or ride your bike, compost all of your organic matter, hang your laundry out to dry instead of using the dryer, use the backs of all of those masses amounts of paper we get everyday from school/junk mail/ etc. for scrap paper, buy recycled whenever possible, use teatowels/cloth napkins instead of paper towels/napkins...
and that's without even thinking about it - imagine the difference we could make if everyone just cares...
remember Earth Day is everyday....