We're finally getting Adriana's piano tomorrow, hip, hip, hooray! I love listening to her play, she's really just beginning, but the process is so exciting to me... I love the fact she can read music (well, you know, on those easy tunes any way), that she self-corrects, and that she can pick out so many tunes by ear... If you haven't noticed, I'm fairly fond of the wee one.. I like her keyboard, but a piano it surely isn't... so it will be fabulous for her to learn on.
We're getting the piano from her god-mother, my dear friend, Naomi, it is her moms and they both decided it would be great for Adriana to have it to learn on, to play, and to enjoy. How very sweet of them, what a lovely gift... to us all... (Of course, I'm envisioning her playing Christmas carols on it year-round, think we'll have to set the ground rules early!)
My mum was up this past weekend, and I had to apologize to her that I was so nasty about not wanting to take piano lessons, boy I wish I had now... wonder if Joe at the Conservatory wants to teach mom as well... hmmmm....