We visited Niagara Falls this year - what a fun time we had! We started our trip searching for Herkimer diamonds, finding I should say! We whacked at rocks with hammers, and really, that's always a good day!!! (yes, Mom, we
all wore our safety goggles!) The ones we found were mostly very tiny, but lovely, and no surprise, Ray was the champion Herkimer finder... The Falls were beautiful, we saw them from just about every angle - all of our favorite part was the Cave of the Winds on the American side- way cool!!! plus you get a new pair of shower shoes!!! Last year, Adriana and I traveled to Nova Scotia to go fossil hunting, and although I did find a piece of very cool fossilized coral, we were slightly lacking in fossils... So this year, we go to a tourist destination, and Adriana picks up a rock to build a Inukshuk with, "is this a good one, Mom?", she asks... she had found a fossil!!! And then we found masses of them on this lovely walk along the river... Fossilized oysters the size of her hand! Huge boulders covered on every surface... How happy we were!! So, as in most journeys I take, it turns out it was all about the rocks!!!